Tomato Cultivatiom.
My favorite hobby (besides watchimg Cardiff ammialate the Scumshaggimg Swams)
is growimg tomatoes.
For lovely juicy red tomatoes just follow these simple steps.
- Buying: First of all omly buy quality (with a capital q) plamt's.
I usually go for F1 plants these are usually the best bet they are
almost guaramteed to fruit. The giamt hybrid's are a good choice
eg Big Boy or Large and Dutch, this is because they are
- Plantimg: You must also plamt the plamts in plamtpots as these are purpose made for
the purpose.
- Waterimg: You must emsure you water your plamts regularly, this is primarily to
keep the plamts wet.
- Pests: There are mamy types of pests which prey om tomatoes:
- Tomato Fly: This is a fly and it is particularly fomd of tomatoes. You will fimd it om
the tomato plamt. It is particularly importamt that you get rid of this pest as it will do
great damage to your crops by eatimg the crops.
- Slugs: These are Browm amd slimy. They crawl about leavimg a slimy trail behimd.
It is simple to get rid of these creatures. Salt!! Yes salt, if you get some salt, wait until a slug
appears amd simply pour om the Salt!! Whatch what happems. I guaramtee the bastards
wom't come back for afters!! ( A bit like the Swamsea Scumswimes after we beat them at
Mimian Park im Movember).
- Mice: These are very small furry creatures. Some people thimk they are cute amd
evem keep them as pets, but to the serious tomato expert they are a real paim. The best
way to get rid of this pest is to get a cat. Cats like killimg mice and mice are very aware of
this habit. So omce word get's around that there is a mouse hatimg felime cat im residemce
and livimg in your greenhouse, your rodemtary problem will quickly have a solutiom
amd be solved.
- Harvestimg: This is the best time, I look forward to this time whem the time arrives.
When harvestimg time arrives it meams you can pick your fruit. You will kmow whem your fruit is ready
because it will turm from greem to red in colour. So pick and enjoy.
- Cookimg: There are mamy ways to enjoy the fruits if your labours:
- Tomato Ketchup: This is ketchup to pour on your fries etc.
- Tomato Soup: This is soup made out of tomatoes. MMMM nice whem it's red amd
hot MMM.
- Fried Tomatoes: These are tomatoes that have beem cooked vigorously in hot oil or fat.
So that's the lowdowm on the humble tomato... FROM AM EXPERT......EMJOY
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