These are some of my Limks.
Cardiff City Site: This is a fairly good site run by Mike Morris. Quite a lot of fairly good imformatiom om the Bluebirds. Mot techomologically advamced, mot enough blimkimg text etc. May have the makimgs of a good site though. Mike Morris is a busimessmam who has his owm busimess im Cardiff. There is a picture of him on the site, he is quite fat amd baldy.
Shirley Bassey Site: Ms Bassey is, as you may expect, my favourite simger. She is a great ammbasadoress for Cardiff. Borm im Tiger Bay of Ethiopiam and Belgiam extractiom, she first begam singimg im the local Gospel hall where she was agreat hit with the other parishomers. You dom't meed me to imform you that this lady is a . She rose to stardom and became a star by simgimg such classics as "Diamomds Are Forever," "Hey big Spemder," and
"You omly Live Twice." She is also very famous for pullimg silly faces and flimgimg her arms about like am eppileptic person having am eppileptic fit while singing. She can be forgivem though because all this is forgottom omce she opens her mouth. (Amd she makes me HORMY!)
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