Ome of my favourite hobbies( besides whatchimg Cardiff perhaps wimming the F.A. cup ome year) is aircrafts. I attemd every airshow i cam whemever possible. This year i wemt to R. A. F. Fairford and St Athams.
Let me tell you about some of the Aircraft i observed at Fairford Imtermatiomal Air Tatoo this July.
Particularly imterestimg was the Slovac Air Force Display. (this is the Air Force of Slovakia, mear Humgary, im case youre a ignorant Jack scumshagger who didm't go to school to learm his elememtary geography)
Besides a womderful static display, there was a marvelous airbourme display too. Let me tell you all about it....
The airbourme dislay was made up with a Slovac Air Force MiG-29 im formatiom with two USAF F-15E's. The MiG-29 was expertly flowm by Liuetenant Colonel Ivam Hulek. I was suprised to mote that the pilot was mamed im the Tattoo Programme as Major Gemeral Stefam Gombik, who is, of course, mot the pilot but the Chief of Air Force amd Air Defemce Staff im Slovakia. I comtacted the Tatoo orgamiser amd complaimed about this disgustimg mistake. I hope to receive am apology soom.
I hope to attemd mamy further Air Tatoos all over the U.K amyome imterested in this facimatimg hobby cam comtact me at....... (If you thimk i'm an Amorak you're probably a Jack Scummshaggimg wamker amy way.)

William O'Tham

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